The First Guy to Go Home Tonight...
8:09 We’re back…Results time…First, a recap of the guys…They group Robbie with the good performances. Not sure about that…I still don’t understand why Simon got so offended by David’s comment. Backstage, David said he felt bad for offending him…Boy, Luke and Jason just sound worse with each play, don’t they?...Man, David H. better get through or I’m going to be upset. I need to download that after I’m done with this…I’ll download David A. too…
8:12 Ryan faces the guys…He asks Luke if it’s any easier. Asks Jason C. if he’s nervous…Lights down…Back row stands…Jason Y., Danny, Chikezie, Jason C., Michael…He tells Michael to sit. He’s safe…Chikezie…is safe…Jason…is safe after a fakeout…Jason Y. and Danny Noriega remain…Jason is going home. No big shocker there…
8:14 Jason joins Ryan on stage…He says he had a feeling he’d be in the bottom after the thrashing he took from the judges…Jason says song choice doomed him…Simon tells Jason he needs “a heck of a lot more experience” and that he doesn’t stand out…Jason does “Long Train Runnin’”…David H. looks way too confident. I’m worried…Is it just me, or does that song actually sound good this time?...So do they tell the family members ahead of time who’s getting eliminated so they can be on the platform to watch?...Yikes! That was actually good. And he wisely left out the weird dance move at the end…
8:16 Ryan says we’ll find out the other guy next. Surely not…Break…