The Night's First Surprise
8:22 We’re back. I knew Ryan wasn’t telling the truth…Girls recap…Ryan says the girls were up to the challenge. I’m not sure about that one, Ryan…Syesha was grouped in with the good ones. Maybe that means she’s safe after all…Brooke was overwhelmingly the favorite performance around the Internet today…Alexandrea sounds worse on the replay…
8:26 Ryan faces the girls…Lights down...Back row stands…Kristy, Amanda, Alexandrea, Brooke and Asia’h…Kristy is safe…Ryan’s being random…Asia’h is safe…Brooke is safe…That leaves Amanda and Alexandrea…Amanda seems sure it’s her…Alexandrea is going home…Woah!...So, uniqueness won out. Interesting…Amanda is emotionless…Randy says it’s not really the right choice…Paula says it’s the beginning of her career…Alexandrea’s stunned…She sings “If You Leave Me Now”…Now I’m really worried I told that reporter wrong about Syesha. If I am, I know I’ll get a phone call around 8:59…David A. is crying and hides his face. Luke comforts him. Maybe David will need to return that favor later…This one actually sounds better too. What’s going on?...Alexandrea gives David A. a hug…She gives Ryan one too…Ryan asks the girls to come down to the stage…Break…