"The Boldface Challenge"

“We’ll have to see. I have a record coming out soon and there’s a lot of work that surrounds that, like touring and appearances, but I love working here and had an incredible summer. I can’t imagine a better situation. They’re wonderful here. If they want me to stay, I would love to stay.”
I hope if he does stay they’ll find some actual story for him instead of the lame stuff they’ve come up with so far.
The newest lame idea? “The Boldface Challenge.”
As the storyline goes, Constantine and a promoter decide to take the “Battle of the Duets” worldwide on the Internet to stir up publicity for his record label (Yeah, I don’t get how that would help either.). The winners will perform at a special concert featuring acts from Constantine’s label.
The story is tied to an actual contest where viewers can win a trip to the set of “B&B” by voting for their favorite duet. You can vote at http://www.cbs.com/daytime/bb/behind/specials/constantine/challenge/.
There is some actual story behind the lame contest since Rick is using the contest as an opportunity to win Phoebe back (She broke up with him after learning the identity of the other woman.). But listening to Constantine have to constantly plug the website is TERRIBLY annoying. Plus, his trash-talking with Rick is a little insensitive considering Phoebe’s broken heart.
And we STILL don’t know what happened with him and Felicia.
The special concert will air on “B&B” Friday, August 24th. Elliott Yamin will be the special guest (which makes much more sense than the previously reported Ruben Studdard) along with Jon McLaughlin. The winner of the contest will be announced during that episode, but the “winner” of the duets contest will be announced on Monday, August 27th.
By the way, “Constantine” hits stores Tuesday, August 7th and it’s getting lousy reviews. I’ll have mine for you as soon as I hear it…