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Sunday, July 29, 2007

Bravo Bails on "Paula"

When Bravo gives up on a show, they don’t just pull it like the broadcast networks do. They move it to a worse timeslot.

And that’s exactly what they’ve done to “Hey Paula.”

Last week’s episode was originally scheduled to air at 9:30 p.m. before the premiere of “Welcome to the Parker.” But the episode was bumped by an encore of the season finale of “Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List.” The new “Paula” episode aired at 8:30 p.m. after a re-run of “Paula”.


I have to say I can’t really blame them. “Paula” is the most boring reality show I’ve ever seen. We see Paula yelling at people on the phone and having breakdowns, but we never get to see the cause of those breakdowns or hear who’s on the phone. I guess no one told Paula that when you do a reality show you’re supposed to show your reality. All of it…

And I guess no one told Paula that a reality show could in fact make her look like a huge not-so-nice person…

In last week’s episode, Paula, who was in her I-don’t-care-anything-about-time dimension, didn’t bother to meet with the decorator of her rental home; but when she saw the finished house she called and yelled at the decorator to tell her she hated it and wanted it all changed.

See what I mean?

The episode ended with one of Paula’s assistants casually telling the cameras that Paula decided not to rent a house after all. Why do I think we missed a whole lot of drama there?

The season finale of “Hey Paula” airs Thursday at 8:30 p.m. on Bravo…