Basking in the glow of "Idol Gives Back"...
9:13 We’re back…Ryan is sitting with the Idols. He asks Melinda about the impact “Idol Gives Back” had on her…A recap of “Idol Gives Back.” Could there BE anymore stalling…
9:14 By the way, the seating arrangement is Front Row: Melinda, Phil, LaKisha, Back Row: Jordin, Blake, Chris. Does that mean that one in each group is going home, i.e. Chris and LaKisha or Phil?...
9:18 That was a great video, but was it necessary?...Ryan says that three of last week’s performances make up the top three on iTunes…I would look for Carrie’s “I’ll Stand By You” to chart…
9:19 Taped performance of Robin Thicke doing “Lost Without U.” I’m sorry, I just can’t look at him without hearing the “Growing Pains” theme…Or maybe the “Facts of Life” theme (His mom is Gloria Loring, who co-wrote that theme with his dad, Alan, of “Growing Pains.”)…And here is yet another artist that would not clear their music that gets the benefit of performing on the show…
9:21 They try really hard to make us think he was really there…Fantasia does an “Idol Gives Back” ask…Break…