The Results: Let's Get It Started...
This will be, without a doubt, the most interesting results show this season—maybe in the history of the show—as for the first time ever, two “Idol” finalists will be sent home.
Let’s get it started…
8:59 Intro. Who is that woman Ryan is leaning on? Could he not stand on his own?...
9:00 Antonella in the house again tonight…And Ryan found his razor before tonight’s show…Ryan promises no filler (He’s, of course, joking.)…Ryan promises us more “Idol” winners tonight and everyone’s excited about Bon Jovi…
9:01 Ryan asks Randy about rock week…Ryan asks Paula about changing the original…Ryan and Simon start fighting already as Paula says she’s not Simon’s puppet. Ryan answers, “I’ve seen your puppet and she’s much prettier”…Simon asks for an apology because he thought Ryan was insulting his girlfriend. Ryan says he was talking about something else…Simon says Blake gave the best performance. Ryan says everyone’s buzzing about it…
9:03 Recap with blurbs from Bon Jovi coaching…
9:05 Ryan at the Farmer’s Market attempting to sing. That was a little scary…Two women say they are “Blaker Girls.” I love that!...
9:07 Ryan asks Blake how he came up with the arrangement. He plugs a computer program that he uses…Ryan asks Jordin if it was tough to hear the criticism. She said everyone has to have a bad week…Ryan asks Phil about growing up as a pastor’s son. He said he snuck in some Bon Jovi music…Ryan asks LaKisha what kind of a kisser Simon is. She says she’d do it again. Ryan says no, because he has a girlfriend and it is “very serious.” Simon gets a good laugh out of that one. I think that was a little bit of an inside joke…
9:09 Ruben does an “Idol Gives Back” ask…Break