Idol Chit-Chat
This is your place to discuss all things "American Idol." The performances, the judges, the past contestants — it’s all right here.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Tonight's Show...

Once upon a time, I would be able to tell you what everyone is singing by about now, but thanks to Anna Nicole mania, there’s just not as much information out there…

So that just leaves us to speculate…

Jennifer Lopez’s manager said that Sanjaya sang “beautifully,” so I’m guessing he’s not doing “She Bangs.” I’m also guessing he’s not doing anything by Marc Anthony…

Speaking of which, I would really like to see Phil do “I Need to Know” or Ricky Martin’s “She’s All I Ever Need”…

Chris will probably do something schmaltzy like “Music of My Heart”…

And unfortunately we’ll probably have to sit through “Dreaming of You.” BLAH!...

It will be interesting to see what advice Jennifer Lopez can give since she’s not really known as a strong singer…

I’ll be back in 20…
