Idol Chit-Chat
This is your place to discuss all things "American Idol." The performances, the judges, the past contestants — it’s all right here.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Your "Idol" Stories

In my opinion, there’s never been a show on television that brings people together like “Idol.”

After all, it’s one of the few shows that the whole family can watch and enjoy together. If you were at the “Idol” concert in Huntington last year, you saw that firsthand.

And I know that I have made friends with people I may otherwise have not even spoken to because of conversations about “Idol.”

So now we want to hear from you. What are your “Idol” stories? Do you and your family do something special on “Idol” nights? Does your office have an “Idol” pool? Maybe you found a new friend thanks to “Idol.”

Send us your “Idol” stories (in 200 words or less) and pictures by sending an e-mail to Be sure to include your name and address so we can properly identify you. The deadline is April 30th.

I can't wait to see what you come up with...