KFC Reaches Out to Sanjaya...
In the category of things I wish were a joke, I would put the following item…
KFC is reaching out to Sanjaya to promote its Famous Bowls. Here’s the open letter from the KFC press release, courtesy of “USA Today”:
An open letter to Sanjaya Malakar:
Congratulations on catching America’s ears…and eyes.
Over the past month, you’ve wowed the world with your original performances. And, your ever-changing hairdos have made you almost as famous as KFC® Original Recipe® Chicken and Colonel Sanders himself.
On behalf of Kentucky Fried Chicken®, I want to serve up to you a tasty offer. If you don a bowl hairdo during one of your next nationally televised performances, KFC will grant you a free lifetime supply of KFC Famous Bowls®. We’re sure America will be as ‘bowled-over’ by your take on this classic look as they are by our KFC Famous Bowls.
From wavy to Mohawk to now the classic bowl – who knows, your bowl cut could start a trend as big as KFC Famous Bowls, which consumers ranked as THE most memorable new product of 2006.
In addition to free KFC Famous Bowls for life – if you sport a bowl cut, KFC will cut a check in your name to Colonel’s Scholars, a charity providing young people with much needed college scholarships. We’re confident that helping students afford college is something that even the toughest of judges would stand and applaud.
Your Fan,
Gregg Dedrick
President of KFC
Now, this information was posted on the “USA Today” website today, April 2nd, but since I’ve been unable to confirm it anywhere else, I’m really hoping it’s a really bad late April Fool’s joke.
However, in the case that it’s not, don’t look for anything to happen with it since KFC is so tied to Pepsi and “Idol” is sponsored by Coke.
And if it is true, I’m not sure I can look at a Variety Big Box Meal the same way again…
Labels: Sanjaya Malakar