"Idol" vs. "Dancing": The Saga Continues...
Here’s an interesting twist to the “Idol” vs. “Dancing With the Stars” battle. The two shows share production space…
The shows tape next door to each other on the CBS lot in Hollywood. They share a hallway, bathrooms and some of the dressing rooms. “Idol” Executive Producer Ken Warwick says that security keeps thing separate and makes sure everyone’s in the right place.
Warwick also swears to “Access Hollywood” that this week’s extra seven minutes was not meant to mess with “Dancing” saying, “I can actually honestly say we didn’t (do it on purpose).” Warwick said they asked FOX weeks ago if the Gwen Stefani show could be two hours or even ninety minutes. FOX came back and said “the most we can give you is seven minutes. That doesn’t cause too much trouble with the affiliates.”
So how were the ratings? “House” topped the 9 p.m. hour with 22.18 million viewers, but that was 2.3 million fewer than for its last new episode. “Dancing” was watched by 17.6 million viewers, which was up 1.5 million over season three’s first results show.
The saga continues…
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