"The Sweet Escape"
9:14 We’re back…Apparently Ryan accidentally said Ryan and Stacey were in the bottom two before the break. I missed it because I was too busy kicking myself for not voting for Phil more…The American Idol Challenge…
9:15 Exxon Mobil answered Ryan’s begging for “Idol Gives Back”…
9:16 Gwen Stefani starts “The Sweet Escape” complete with the Harajuku girls…Now, Akon joins her. Where was he at the beginning?...He doesn’t really fit into her theatrics, so he takes the stage in the middle of the audience and high fives Randy…I never realized this song was so long…Haley looks sick…And Akon was apparently unaware of when the song was going to end…Gwen plugs her tour…And Ryan plugs her participation on “Idol Gives Back.” Apparently we’ll see a performance of her from the tour…After the break…
Labels: Results Show