The Next Set...
Shelby Tyler, 9, is doing “Part of Your World.” She does the singing and the talking parts. Donna applauds her for picking a kids’ song.
Kenna Haynes, 9, does “No Place That Far.”
The audience is still spilling in, but I have yet to see one sign. But I’m smelling a lot of popcorn and that’s making me hungry…
I have to say that Kenna reminds me a little of me. I consider that a compliment, but you’d have to ask someone who knew me at 9 to see if they agree…
Alexa Jay Preston, 9, does “Amazing Grace.” She’s wearing a very pretty dress I’m a little jealous of…She sang the first verse very slowly and reverential and then she picked up the tempo, closing with the slow phrase, I liked that . Paula would say she made it her own…
Samantha Spence, 11, doing “Picture to Burn.” That’s a popular song tonight.