Archie Sings My Song
9:45 We’re back…Ryan introduces David Archuleta. And he’s doing my song, “Touch My Hand,” which I’m guessing is his new single. I LOVE THIS SONG!!!...The FOX press release said he was going to do “A Little Too Not Over You,” which is why I said that earlier…WOW! They just chopped out the entire second verse! They let Freda Payne squirm all over the stage, but they won’t let Archie sing his entire song?! Now granted, he’s not doing a very good job of it, but still…Like how he shook up the end and he jumps up and down just like I do when I hear the song…Ryan walks over and hugs him and asks him about going to the UK to perform…Asks him about Demi Lovato tour…Ryan leads him over to Anoop and Allison on the stools and Archie tells them they both have awesome voices and he tells them there are so many opportunities after “Idol”…I think he actually learned to talk while he’s been away. Good for him…Break…