And the Bottom Two Are...
9:33 We’re back…Ryan sits with Anoop on the urinal stools…Ryan asks him about being frustrated. He says he honestly didn’t expect to be sitting here…Paula says she’s a little surprised…Simon says he deserves to be sitting there…Just do the numbers kids. We’ve only got seven left so it had to be him or Allison…Kris and Lil stand…Simon tells him he was brilliant. NICE! Finally some love for Kris from Simon. Is he finally getting on the Kris train?…Lil…Ryan asks Lil about the judges feedback and she says she felt that she did good last night. Whatever…Kris…Ryan does a huge fakeout, but Lil is in the bottom three. We get a reaction shot from Simon but I can’t really read him…Matt and Danny stand…Matt says if he had it to do over again he would have sang it more straight…Danny said he felt really comfortable with his arrangement…Randy says he worked it out…Danny…safe…The crowd was almost angry at that fakeout, but Danny never lost his confident smirk…
9:39 The bottom three—Anoop, Matt and Lil join Ryan on the stage…Kara says they are the correct bottom three…Back to the couch is…Anoop...As it should be…Simon applauds…Lil and Matt in the bottom two…Break…
I called it so far. PLEASE let me get the rest of it right…