The Top 7 Results Show Begins with some Flashdancing...
Is this finally the night we say goodbye to Lil?
Let’s find out…
9:00 Dramatic taped intro meant to look like a movie trailer, but that guy is no Don LaFontaine…They edited it to look like Randy’s pitchy comment was aimed at Matt and not Kris…The screen switches to Ryan looking at the jumbo screen and then dramatically turning around to say “This is American Idol.” And yes, that moment was just as lame as it sounds…
9:02 Ryan descends the stairs and previews the show…The Idols are sitting on the couch and Matt looks queasy…Ryan plugs the tour…He intros the judges…Ford video to “Freeze Frame.” They’re all on magazine covers…
9:05 Top 7 Group Number—“Maniac”…Kris descends the stairs…Allison comes up from behind Simon and startles him a little bit…Anoop…Matt…The four on the mini-stage…And yes, they’re singing and sound pretty good doing it…Adam…Danny…Lil…Matt sounds really good…That actually wasn’t painful…Break…
So the closest the tour is coming is Columbus on August 25th. More on that later…