Allison Iraheta: Simon Doesn't Know Me Enough
Several reporters actually told Allison Iraheta that they thought she was the best, so it’s clear she’s got the support.

On choosing “Alone”: “I mean I did think about the fact that Carrie did it and the past Idols; they really did that song and they did it really well. They’re amazing. But I really focused on me and how I would just do the song and just, yes, I guess give it a little taste of what I can do. Like not change it, because you know we’re different, so just give it a little of me in the song I guess.”
Allison’s natural hair color is actually brown/black, but she told reporters, “I think I’m going to be one of those hmm, red these couple of months and then purple the other. I don’t know, probably. I might be doing something with my hair.”
One reporter was clearly working on a story about whether sappy stories make a difference in the voting. Here’s what Allison had to say, “I don’t know. I think they give us all airtime fairly. They all focus on all of us, so I think it depends on what people see, you know, if they like it or not.”
One reporter asked Allison about winning a contest on Telemundo, “Well okay, so it was two years ago. I was fourteen. It was a great experience. I sang both Spanish and English. It was amazing to win, you know; it was awesome.” Later in the call, Allison talked about how the Telemundo contest helped prepare her for “Idol.” “It helped me out with being on the stage in front of cameras a little, but it’s nothing compared to this actually.”
On Simon calling her boring: “He doesn’t know me enough, I guess, because he said I was boring. But honestly, I’m not. I guess I was nervous a little; I mean who isn’t going to be nervous before they sing the first time for that round. So I guess I’ll just chill a little bit more, because the nerves got me a little.”
If Allison won, she would actually be the first Latina Idol, which Allison said would be “pretty cool.” Her parents are originally from El Salvador. “All my life I’ve been singing both Spanish and English, so it has really influenced. I grew up singing Spanish, and then I did the bilingual.”
On what her stage alter ego would be named: “I’d be like wild blah-- I don’t even know.”
Photo Credit: Michael Becker/FOX