Jasmine + Current Song = Trouble
I usually do a show preview before the show starts, but I think you guys can understand I’m slightly distracted tonight. Talking to David Cook will do that to you…
But here we are for Group #2…
And I hate to keep harping on this, but Ryan could you please try to wear something a little more decent, please. I guess at least it’s not flannel…
And check out the judging table. They’ve rearranged it—again. Simon said it’s about fairness, but I think it’s about making sense. I didn’t like it the other way.
And is Nick Mitchell really going to play it normal? Hmmm…And Adam Lambert has the “pimp spot.” Nice…
Okay, here we go…
Jasmine Murray, “Love Song”: 13
Remember what I told you about contestants ruining their chances by picking a current song? I think we just saw it. I thought it got better toward the end, but it was still kind of a mess. Jasmine needed a song that allowed her to show off her voice, because she does have one. I wonder if Jasmine picked it because Kara mentioned it for someone last week. I really thought Jasmine would shine, so she may have just opened the door for someone else…
And even though Simon assured USAToday.com that things would be better tonight, the audio is still messed up. Oh well…