Idol Chit-Chat
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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Is Jordin Okay?

Jordin Sparks is speaking out about her injury.

Well, actually she’s e-mailing out about her injury since she’s still on full vocal rest. Jordin sent an e-mail Friday to MTV News.

In a report on, Jordin denies that her vocal-cord injury was career-threatening, but she does say her career could have been in jeopardy if she hadn’t done something.

Jordin also confirmed reports that it was an acute vocal cord hemorrhage, telling MTV in her e-mail that her left vocal cord was bleeding. The doctors tell her now, though, that it is almost completely healed and she says she’ll be back on the Alicia Keys tour very soon.

A bleeding vocal cord? I’m no doctor, but that sounds rather career-threatening to me. I hope she doesn’t end up coming back to soon…