Sour Grapes from Chris?

Could Chris Daughtry still have some sour grapes about his elimination from “Idol”?
In an interview with, Chris said “American Idol” is “definitely lacking some credibility…It’s in a state of decline and if they don’t do something about it, it’s probably not gonna last too much longer.”
What’s the problem? According to Chris, “People get tired of seeing people that suck.”
Chris admitted that his comments would probably get him in trouble. “I’m sure that’ll be used against me, but that’s the truth you know?”
Daughtry is currently recording their second album…
In an interview with, Chris said “American Idol” is “definitely lacking some credibility…It’s in a state of decline and if they don’t do something about it, it’s probably not gonna last too much longer.”
What’s the problem? According to Chris, “People get tired of seeing people that suck.”
Chris admitted that his comments would probably get him in trouble. “I’m sure that’ll be used against me, but that’s the truth you know?”
Daughtry is currently recording their second album…