A Preview of Season 7...

This week’s “TV Guide” cover story is a preview of season seven.
And because I read the magazines so you don’t have to, here are the highlights…
Simon says it’s “the most talented bunch we’ve ever had.” Don’t they say that every year?...
Simon also says last year “just wasn’t good enough. I don’t remember hardly anyone [from] last year.” Don’t worry, Simon. I’m sure Jordin will be back to remind you as soon as she can…
San Diego was the strongest audition city…
There will be no fourth judges during auditions this year, much to Simon’s—and my—delight…
No one was cut during the first two days of Hollywood Week. Those who were deemed good enough went straight to the final Hollywood round, while the others were given a second chance. More Hollywood drama! Yea! Let’s just hope they actually show it this year…
There will be a new, bigger stage. Is that to wash out the stench of failure from “The Next Great American Band”? I really hope they don’t adopt all of those “Band” computer graphics…
Unfortunately, the article made no mention of Paula’s new single. What? I’m excited about that…
As if I have to remind you, “Idol” premieres Tuesday, January 15th at 8 p.m. on FOX…
And because I read the magazines so you don’t have to, here are the highlights…
Simon says it’s “the most talented bunch we’ve ever had.” Don’t they say that every year?...
Simon also says last year “just wasn’t good enough. I don’t remember hardly anyone [from] last year.” Don’t worry, Simon. I’m sure Jordin will be back to remind you as soon as she can…
San Diego was the strongest audition city…
There will be no fourth judges during auditions this year, much to Simon’s—and my—delight…
No one was cut during the first two days of Hollywood Week. Those who were deemed good enough went straight to the final Hollywood round, while the others were given a second chance. More Hollywood drama! Yea! Let’s just hope they actually show it this year…
There will be a new, bigger stage. Is that to wash out the stench of failure from “The Next Great American Band”? I really hope they don’t adopt all of those “Band” computer graphics…
Unfortunately, the article made no mention of Paula’s new single. What? I’m excited about that…
As if I have to remind you, “Idol” premieres Tuesday, January 15th at 8 p.m. on FOX…