Idol Chit-Chat
This is your place to discuss all things "American Idol." The performances, the judges, the past contestants — it’s all right here.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

What happened to Justin?

While I was on vacation, I caught a TV Guide Channel interview with Justin Guarini.

It’s a shame that he wasn’t a contestant these days, because he probably would’ve been a bigger star…

As Justin said during the interview, “Idol” was still working out all the kinks in that first season and he, unfortunately, fell through the cracks.

Because of the filming of “From Justin to Kelly,” the recording of his CD got postponed. But then, RCA decided that Justin would have to wait until Kelly released her CD. So by the time “Justin Guarini” was released, “Idol” fans were caught up in the Ruben vs. Clay fervor. In fact, his CD was released the same day as Ruben and Clay’s singles.

He never stood a chance…

Justin is now a co-host on TV Guide Channel’s “Idol Tonight” and he just finished filming the movie, “Fast Girl.”

Say what you will about “From Justin to Kelly,” but it did show us that Justin can act. And he is the best part of “Idol Tonight” (if you can tolerate Kimberly Caldwell long enough to watch him).

Maybe things will come around for him yet…