Akon Sums Up the Show
9:08 We’re back…Ryan introduces the winner of last week’s American Idol Challenge. Ryan tells Simon that the prize money is nothing to him. Simon sticks his tongue out at him and then all three judges snicker some more…Ryan asks the Challenge question…
9:10 Ryan says they’ve already received 5000 entries to the songwriting competition…35 million votes this week…Ryan goes to the Farmers Market and gets people’s opinions on the show in a taped piece…
9:13 Ryan says to go the website and vote for your favorite songs that will then be performed on the show. I’ll get back to you on that one…Ryan introduces Akon singing “Don’t Matter.” Remember this was recorded after the Gwen Stefani results show. Interesting that Ryan didn’t hype it in his show rundown. Maybe because they promised all of the hype to J-Lo?...Notice how hard they’re trying to not show the judges since it’s not really them...After the break…
Man, do I hate hour-long results shows…