Idol Chit-Chat
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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Top 11 Results Show: Don't "Wake Me Up" Just "Go Go"

Man, do I love me some “Human Target”…

If only “Idol” would offer the same excitement…

8:59 Dramatic intro video with weird music box music…Now the red graphics…“Another Idol will fall”…This looks more like a “24” promo than an “Idol” intro…

9:01 The audience laughs when Randy’s face is frozen on screen for Ryan’s “THIS,” which someone (Randy, I think) once again stepped on…Theme…

9:02 Who is the girl in the audience they keep showing that looks like she’s bleeding?...Ryan thanks everyone for their votes but does not say how many votes there were. I’m guessing the votes are down…Ryan reminds us about the Judges’ Save which expires at the Top 5…

9:03 Oh lord! I knew the group sing would be back. It’s “Wake Me Up Before You Go Go.” The voices are so fake, I think I heard some vocoder on Tim’s voice…I think Casey forgot what part he was supposed to be lip synching…This is SO lame…Crystal and Didi look like they’re making fun of the whole thing…Gee wonder why we never see Simon’s reaction to those things…Break…