Katelyn Epperly: "I never realized how big it was"
The judges criticized Katelyn Epperly for her song choice last week, but in her conference call with the media, Katelyn explained it was the judges who were responsible for her choice.
Here’s some of what she had to say…

On whether she “over-adapted” after the judges criticized “The Scientist” for being too slow: "Yes, I totally did. I definitely was trying to find a song that would portray me as an artist, which is difficult for singer/songwriters in this competition because, first of all, I don’t listen to mainstream music and second of all, I don’t typically perform covers. So, I kind of scrambled around last minute trying to do something I could; I brought out the Wurlitzer keyboard, I wanted to do something edgier and it didn’t work out for me, but I definitely don’t regret doing it because I love that era and I love the song."
On what she’ll do next: “Yes, I am planning on going back, well, for now since I’m flat broke, I’ve got to go back to Des Moines and start working and continue to pursue recording and writing music with all sorts of different artists. A band called Lovedrug, it’s been a band that I’ve been listening to since I was real young, I’m going to get together with them and, hopefully, start writing some music with them as well as other artists. Just getting back in the studio and getting back to what I truly love to do.”
On her moment with Lilly and Crystal during the results show: “Well, you know, Lilly and I, especially, Lilly, Crystal and I have gotten really close and from the start we flocked together. And I don’t typically hang out with girls very often so, you know, this was a rare thing for all three of us, actually, to really truly have female friends and to get along so well and to be so supportive of one another. And turning and seeing them there, it wasn’t, for me this isn’t over; it’s just a platform in my career so I wasn’t so sad about that. I was sad to see them. And I’m going to say it was a pretty big disappointment for me to see Lilly go home because if I were to be at home watching that show, she would by far, over all the other girls, not be the one going home.
On whether she has a favorite contestant: “Well, I really do. I mean, honestly, just to be cheesy, but I really do wish them all well because I’ve gotten to know all of them so well and everyone has worked so hard, but honestly, I mean from the start Crystal Bowersox has been a very true, true friend to me and she is a genuinely good, true person and when she sings it comes from the heart. You’ve watched her; it’s just natural for her. She totally deserves it and I’m going to be pulling for it all the way.”
On what surprised her about the show: “The show is so huge and there’s so much that goes on that you don’t even realize until you get there. It’s a huge working machine. And I never realized until now because I haven’t seen the show in a few years, I never realized how big it was. I mean, you go from being nobody to walking down the street and people calling it out your name. It’s just surreal, but it’s awesome. It’s probably one of the best marketing platforms to start your career off on.”
Photo Credit: Frank Micelotta/FOX