Alex Lambert Gets a Second Chance
Alex Lambert is getting a second chance…

From the press release: “America can watch on a live stream / as Alex takes his first step into his new home on Thursday, April 1st at 5PM PST/8PM EST for his move-in day. Moving to Hollywood and into the If I Can Dream house will give Alex the ultimate second shot at fulfilling his dreams. He will meet with top music managers and record labels and have the opportunity to perform in front of live audiences at clubs and venues in LA. His fans will be able to follow his every move and will be able to give Alex real-time feedback as he writes and tests out new songs on If I Can Dream."
You can see new episodes every Tuesday morning on or watch the 24/7 live stream at…
And as you can see from the photo, Alex has already changed one thing. The mullet is gone…
Photo Credit: 19 Entertainment