"Fantasia For Real" Review: I'll Root For Her Now
When Fantasia Barrino was a contestant on “American Idol” I didn’t root for her. It wasn’t that I had anything against her, she just wasn’t my favorite. I was a Diana DeGarmo fan.

Maybe it’s because she’s admitting her mistakes. Maybe it’s because she’s finally realizing that she can’t let people mooch off of her the rest of her life. Or maybe it’s because I’m such an “Idol” fan, I just can’t stand to see an Idol fail…
“Fantasia For Real” follows Fantasia as she struggles to balance rebuilding her career with her family life. In the premiere, she is working on her third album and is fighting with her label over what the first single should be. Meanwhile she is struggling to support six people (including her daughter) who all depend on her income.
Fantasia comes off just as likeable as she did when she was on “Idol.” But she’s clearly got her issues—the biggest of which actually steals the show right out from under her. That would be her brother “Teeny” who would rather go test drive cars than go look for a job—much to the frustration of his aunt and mother. There’s a pretty funny—yet sad—moment in the premiere when Teeny gets one of his crazy ideas and starts carrying it out without asking anyone.
There is not that much drama in the premiere but the way is paved for some significant drama to come. However, the way is also paved for a happy ending. And after seeing this, you’ll believe that Fantasia deserves it.
I may have not rooted for Fantasia when she was on “Idol,” but I am definitely rooting for her now. And I will be watching her show to see her succeed…
“Fantasia For Real” premieres Monday, January 11th at 10 p.m. on VH1…
Photo Credit: VH1