Idol Chit-Chat
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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Top 5 Results Night Begins...

8:59 Dramatic taped intro…Allison looks sick backstage…I like these taped intros, but going to Ryan on the stage to finish it is just corny. Especially when he’s in that Adam Lambert white light. And he’s already promising a shock. Hmmm…

9:01 Ryan says there were over 47 million votes…Ryan intros the judges…Simon said after watching the show back everybody was good. He says it was the best show at this stage he’d ever seen and says “it’s an open competition.” WHAT?! That is not what you said last night, Simon. Why the change of tune? Hmmm…

9:03 Ford video…The Idols are running toward the Fusion to “Energy”…That was so not worth the airtime…

9:04 Group sing… “Don’t Mean a Thing” and “I Got Rhythm”…Allison walks down the stairs between Kris and Danny…Kris, please stop wearing flannel on results night…By the way, they’re actually singing…I think…And for the record, the biggest screams appeared to be for Kris…That wasn’t all that bad…Break…