Idol Chit-Chat
This is your place to discuss all things "American Idol." The performances, the judges, the past contestants — it’s all right here.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Did the Judges Get It Right?

Now, to my second question. Did the judges get it right? Again, yes and no.

Let me rephrase that. That’s yes and NO!...

So, let me break them down one at a time…

Von Smith…This one’s a bit of a surprise to me, but I’m happy about it. Going first last night really cost him. That and Scott’s story and Jorge’s tears and accent…

Jasmine Murray…This one isn’t too much of a surprise because she’s talented, she’s cute and as the judges keep saying, “She’s commercial.” But she had better bring it—and if I was her I would NOT do Rihanna. Kara apparently doesn’t know the curse of the current song…

Ricky Braddy…I predicted this one since Paula really liked him. He deserved it.

Megan Joy Corkrey…Zero surprise here since a lot of people—including the judges—were surprised that she didn’t go through.

Matt Giraud…There were probably better performances, but I’m okay with this one. Matt has a good voice, he just picked a TERRIBLE song for him.

Jesse Langseth…Paula said they changed their mind about this choice during the commercial break. Jesse’s performance of “Bette Davis Eyes” was good, so I’m okay with it. I’m just wondering who they were thinking first. Felicia, maybe? Apparently no one was thinking about Kristen but me.

Anoop Desai…They milked that one for all it was worth, didn’t they? Especially since this was a total no-brainer. Now let’s see him do something fun.

And last, and certainly least, Tatiana Nicole Del Toro…Now, for the record I did warn you. Don’t remember? Here’s what I said in the February 24th “Herald-Dispatch”:

“And before you all celebrate too much about the departure of Tatiana Nicole Del Toro, remember that she could still come back for the Wild Card Round. If the rest of the female contestants give as many uneven performances as the first group did, the judges may have no choice but to bring back Del Toro since her performance was actually good.”

Now, did they have no choice? Absolutely not. Since they were apparently going for an even split between guys and girls, they could have given that last spot to Felicia Barton. Or they could have given another chance to Arianna Afsar like they did to Jasmine Murray. They could have even given it to Kendall Beard just for being gorgeous…

You knew when Randy started talking who he was going to say before he even said it. But all of that stuff about passion and entertainment is just crap. They’re trying to give people something to talk about. But if they choose Tatiana as one of the three to make the Top 12, they’ll be making a HUGE mistake…

I’ll be back with a preview in a sec…