Idol Chit-Chat
This is your place to discuss all things "American Idol." The performances, the judges, the past contestants — it’s all right here.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

And the Bottom Two Are...

9:35 We’re back…Lights down…Scott stands…He’s safe. He’s happy to be on tour…Megan stands. A LOT of cheers…She’s safe…Matt…It’s going to come down to Adam and Alexis for that third stool…Matt is safe…Kris…He’s safe. This year’s tour is going to be yummy…Alexis and Adam…Wow, Adam is tall…Simon said Adam’s performance was even worse when he watched it back. Randy said he liked the Jeff Buckley take. Is that where Adam got it? Everyone on the Internet thought it came from “Rockstar: Supernova”…Randy says it will be Alexis (Actually, he got her name wrong and said Allison.)…Could have it right?…Ryan brings out the bottom three to send one to safety…Alexis looks peeved…It’s Allison. She’s safe…Break…