Ken Answers Paula...
During a conference call with reporters today (as reported on, “Idol” Executive Producer Ken Warwick also answered Paula Abdul’s allegations concerning Paula Goodspeed…
“I was in the room there and I can absolutely put my hand on my heart and say I didn’t know. I didn’t even know that this person was a risk or termed as a stalker. I knew she was a fan, an ardent fan. But that’s the only thing that came in front of me…I would definitely not put a dangerous person or a person remotely dangerous in front of the judges. You wouldn’t take that risk.”
Warwick admits that Abdul “may have mentioned it to a security man or another junior producer…[But] if the inference is that I would put someone in there because it would make good television…she certainly didn’t mention it to me. She certainly didn’t mention it to anybody with clout.”
Why do I get the feeling that Paula is telling the truth this time?...