Idol Chit-Chat
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Friday, August 8, 2008

Congrats to Clay!

On his website today, Clay Aiken announced the birth of his son…

Parker Foster Aiken was born at 8:08 a.m. (How cool is that?) at a hospital in North Carolina. He weighed in at 6 lbs., 2 oz, and is 19 in. long.

Clay said Parker is “healthy, happy and as loud as his daddy.” Clay added that the baby’s mother, Jaymes—who he called his “dear friend”—is doing well.

Clay began his blog post with a simple message to his fans:

Hello All...

I know it's been a while. I'm sure you know, it's been a full full
summer. Sorry we haven't spoken in so long. But, I'm sure you know... I hate
putting the cart before the horse. Not my way to tempt fate. But I wanted to
stop by, if only for a second, so you could be the first folks I tell.... HE'S

Clay closed the post by promising to share more “at some point in the future.”

You guys know that I’ve been a little torn about this story, but the truth is I’m really happy for Clay and I hate that someone exposed something he clearly wasn’t ready to tell. And you have to appreciate him sharing the news with his fans first.

I just hate that this news is going to lead to another week of jokes at Clay’s expense instead of another week of appreciating Clay’s new album, which is still playing in my car…

Clay, if there’s any chance you’re reading this, I wish you nothing but the best and I hope that once things have settled down, you’ll find it in your heart to go on tour soon. We miss you.

Hey, what can I say? I’m a Claymate…