Idol Chit-Chat
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Friday, May 23, 2008

Tidbits from "Larry King Live"

The Top 10 Idols appeared on “Larry King Live” tonight and in between Larry’s stupid questions and his mispronunciations of their names, we got a few interesting tidbits…

Cook’s brother, Adam, has had his brain tumor for 10 years. Cook said, “He’s my American Idol”…

Archie told Larry that he sometimes went against his dad’s advice…

Archie said there has been some talk of him signing with Jive Records--the label that signed Jordin…

When Larry asked Carly what happened to her since she was an early favorite, Carly said the media releasing the information about her MCA deal hurt her. Cook then jumped in to defend her saying, “I’m gonna get on this platform…You got a bum rap. Just because you had a record…it shouldn’t disqualify you in the public’s eye.” Carly said the dollar figure the “Wall Street Journal” reported that the label spent on her was not true.

And she would know that how? Cook, I love you, but…

Larry asked them what song each of them will definitely do on the tour this year:

Cook: “The Time of My Life
Archie: “Angels”
Syesha: “If I Ain’t Got You”
Jason: He said he will definitely break out the ukulele, so I’m thinking “Over the Rainbow”
Carly: “Bring Me to Life”
Kristy Lee: “God Bless the USA”
Brooke: “Let It Be”
Ramiele: Something by the Jackson 5 that I didn’t catch the title of
Chikezie: “I Believe to My Soul”

Cook gave a shout out to Luke Menard, who was just diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma…

At the end of the show, Larry asked the Idols to sing something and after some hesitation, Cook finally started “Freedom” by George Michael. The others joined in, and it sounded good. Interestingly, Archie never found his way in, prompting Larry to say, “Archie, jump in there”…

Of course, that was consistent with Archie’s entire appearance on the show tonight as he struggled to put words together. I’m sure that someone will work with him over the next several months to get him more comfortable…

Don’t forget that the top 10 will be on “Larry King Live” again on Monday at 9 p.m. on CNN…