Simon Speaks Out on the Big Battle, Paula and Fantasia
Simon Cowell appeared on “The Tonight Show” last night and not surprisingly, he had some interesting things to say…
After Jay completely embarrassed him with a bunch of personal questions about his childhood, they got down to the nitty gritty.
Simon said he didn’t care who won, but if he had to pick which one he’d like to see win, it would be David Cook. Because he came from being a bartender, Simon believes David C. “deserves to win more” as opposed to David A. who “hasn’t quite had to work so hard”…
When Jay mentioned Fantasia being on the show last week, Simon practically spit out his water and said, “Oh God,” and then asked Jay if he had the clip of his reaction—which he did, of course. After the clip, Simon said the look on his face said, “What the bloody h—l was that?...It was like something that I have never seen in my life…It was like one of those first round auditions.”
Simon reiterated that he loves Fantasia, but that this “wasn’t her at her best”…
As for Paula’s gaffe, Simon told Jay that when the producers said the judges weren’t going to critique after the first song, he actually fought with the producers and the network. Simon then told Jay he was partly to blame for Paula’s confusion because he was asking her questions that were confusing her because he was confused. And then he turned to the audience with a big smile and asked, “Is this believable?”
By the way, the new American Idol will be on “The Tonight Show” Thursday…