So since I kept promising it to you, let me quickly catch you up on what we learned from Amanda, Chikezie, and Ramiele during their exit interviews…

Amanda admitted that she wasn’t trying to win, she was just trying to get exposure. She plans to “pound the pavement” for six months and if it doesn’t work out, she’ll move on”…

Chikezie solved the mystery of his disappearing last name. Everyone was pronouncing it “easy,” but it’s actually pronounced “eh-zeh.” So he dropped it because of the mispronunciation.
I’m still sad that we didn’t hear his “9 to 5”…

And remember when I said that Ramiele wasn’t going to be the next Jasmine Trias? I think I spoke too soon. Ramiele said she would love to go to her native Phillipines and try a career, a la Jasmine.
I hope McDonald’s is getting her special value meal ready now…