The Results...
9:53 We’re back…LaKisha and Blake are holding hands…Ryan gets ready to send on of them to safety…The audience wants Blake…Blake is safe. THANK GOD!!!...
9:54 Simon is smiling…Now it’s interesting…Sanjaya and LaKisha have their arms around each other…Here it is…Biggest top 7 vote in Idol history, over 38 million…Sanjaya…is going home. WOO HOO! The audience lets out a big cheer…
9:55 Sanjaya “Home” goodbye video featuring all of the stars raving about him. Sanjaya is now a mess as Ryan smiles while trying to keep him together…
9:56 Melinda holds LaKisha as she bawls. Sanjaya speaks, but we can’t understand him through his tears…Ryan tells Sanjaya we’ll never forget him and we are glad he was a part of this season…
9:58 Sanjaya does “Something to Talk About”…He changes the words to “something to talk about other than hair”…Simon is clearly pleased…The Idols join Sanjaya on stage…
9:59 And we’re out as he gets cut off…
Labels: Results Show