"To Sir With Love"
9:19 We’re back…Brad Garrett is holding a sign that says “Clay Aiken, Hurt Me.” What?! We’re moving so fast, Ryan didn’t even explain why Brad is there (to promote “’Til Death”)…The winner of the “American Idol Challenge” is in the audience sitting in front of Nigel. Shouldn’t he be in the production booth or somewhere? He is the Executive Producer…
9:20 Reminder about “Idol Gives Back”…Ryan, we don’t have time for this!...Ryan says that there were 30 million votes last night…Ryan begs for corporate donations…Was that necessary?...
9:21 LuLu does “To Sir With Love”…She started singing before the doors opened. I guess she wasn’t in place yet…
9:23 LuLu walks over and sings to the Idols. She was a great judge as well, if only the girls had listened…Of course, I think Stephanie did listen and that’s why she’s in the bottom two…
9:24 Chris R. is smiling…
9:24 Break…