Idol Chit-Chat
This is your place to discuss all things "American Idol." The performances, the judges, the past contestants — it’s all right here.

Friday, February 9, 2007

LOTS of News...

I've had pages and pages of news I wanted to share with you, I just hadn't had the chance to do it...

So I decided to give it all to you today in one big burst--so big, I actually freaked out Blogger!

Scroll down for all of the latest news on your favorites: Ace, Elliott, Mandisa, Chris, Taylor, Paris, Kellie, Kelly, Carrie and even "Chicken Little," Kevin Covais. If you don't see anything about your favorite, just post a comment and I'll see what I can find out!

And if I can ever get Blogger to forgive me, I'll be adding pictures to the posts...
