Clay Tries the Co-Hosting Thing Again
Some parents leave their children phone messages to wish them a good day. Some parents leave their children messages to tell them to be careful in the snow or to tell them to watch what they eat.
But my mom leaves me messages to tell me when Clay Aiken is going to be on TV.
Isn’t she the best?
And besides, if no one is going to bother to update Clay’s website, somebody has to tell me…
Clay will try the morning show co-host gig again, but this time it’s on the new syndicated show, “The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet.” Clay will be co-hosting this Thursday, February 22nd. And as you can see from this ad on the show’s website, it looks like Clay is going to tackle the Kelly controversy head-on.

To find where “Mike and Juliet” airs in your area, go to The show airs in the Huntington area at 11 a.m. on WSAZ…
Labels: Clay Aiken